• Schooling doesn't assure employment but skill does
    Celebration of skills is part of our culture
    Our mission is skill development. There can be no development with a satiated system.
  • Schooling doesn't assure employment but skill does
    Celebration of skills is part of our culture
    Our mission is skill development. There can be no development with a satiated system.
  • Donate
    For the poor children
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.
  • Skill for Life And livelihood
    For Their Better Future
    Mission of skilling, re-skilling and up-skilling the youth should go on relentlessly.
  • Build your skills
    For Their Better Future
    The highest skill is the true judgment of values.
  • Help The Poor
    For Their Better Future
    Every day we bring hope to millions of children in the world's
    hardest places as a sign of God's unconditional love.

Best Practices ....                                                                                                                                                

Community Health Care Management Initiative (CHCMI): CINI Training Unit enacted as the State Partner of Panchayat and Rural Development Department, Government of West Bengal for implementation of' Community Health Care Management Initiative' (CHCMI) in five districts (Malda, UttarDinajpur, Murshidabad, Jalpaiguri, and south 24 Parganas) of West Bengal to facilitate convergence of services at the community level and introducing Self Help Group (SHG) members as key change agent in mobilizing 'community health in community's hand' in collaboration with District Public Health Cell (DPHC).

The White Ribbon Alliance West Bengal for Safe Motherhood (WRA-WB): For West Bengal, CINI unctioned as the State Secretariat for carrying out advocacy programmes. Funded by DFID and routed through White Ribbon Alliance India, it covered all 19 districts with special focus on Murshidabad, Birbhum&DakshinDinajpore.

Socio-Economic and Caste Census: CINI as a Regional Resource Organization for Eastern part of India looked after two states namely Odisha and West Bengal conducting training and supportive supervision in partnership with the state departments of Rural Development, Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation and the Directorate of Census operations.

CINI Regional Resource Center (RRC): The NGO Division, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India accredited CINI as one of the twelve Regional Resource Centers in the country in the year 2002. As RRC, CINI covers 19 districts of West Bengal, 9 districts of Jharkhand as well as Andaman & Nicobar Island. CINI-RRC’ responsibility includes liaison with national, state & district level NGO’s stakeholders as well as policy makers for promotions and dissemination of best practices in health intervention, nurturing CSOs/NGOs on different primary health care and Reproductive Maternal Neonatal Child Health & Adolescents (RMNCH+A) issues.

IYCF Counselling Card:CCRC has developed a counselling card on Infant and Young Child Feeding practices in collaboration with UNICEF, by which the Anganwadi worker can counsel mother/care givers of children of different nutritional status in some easy and effective way.