Our Projects / Programs ......
Exposure to Students:
Providing technical expertise to the international, national, state and local NGOs in capacity building
CCRC has been providing technical support for developing training module, manual, different training materials as well as conduction of training of trainers or trainings to the staffs of- Family Planning association of India, Population Foundation of India(for urban programme), SEWA Bharat, Welt Hunger Hilfe, Child Fund India,Unicef, Save the Children (SabujSangha), World Vision India, TATA Metalics, Ambuja Foundation etc. The contents for the capacity building are Infant and Young Child Feeding, Maternal Health, New Born & Child Health, Family Planning, Nutrition, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, Community Mobilization, Life Skill, etc. In addition also provides handholding support to the field level trainings / programmes to the different states of India.