Respectful pregnancy care ......
Considering the context of during and post-COVID situations, there is a need emerged to develop key messages/ content in respect to maintain respiratory hygiene for all. Though till now, there is no evidence that pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness than the general population, however, due to changes in their bodies and immune systems, pregnant women can be badly affected by some respiratory infections. Therefore they must take precautions to protect themselves against COVID-19. Along with that, in COVID -19 emergency situation, there are few possible crisis/ challenges may also arise for pregnant women.
Keeping this apprehension in mind, as a new landmark in the capacity building; CINI Chetena Resource Centre has initiated to start online training in the areas of ‘maternal & child health’, ‘sexual and reproductive health rights’ and etc in COVID -19 crisis. Hence, capacity building on how to manage maternal health in pandemic situation has been emphasised in the training on the said topic ‘Respectful Pregnancy Care during COVID -19’.It covers Health, Hygiene ,nutrition and psychological issues of pregnant women including handling of possible crisis /challenges during pregnancy in a pandemic circumstances.